Frequently Asked Questions

Will Goldenbeans succeed?

Absolutely, the longevity and thriving success of projects like the one link here :, which launched in 2016 and still maintains a substantial value of 3 million USD, are a strong indicator of the potential and viability of well-structured crypto ventures. The GoldenBeans DApp draws inspiration from these success stories, aiming to provide our community with a secure and prosperous ecosystem. Our innovative approach, embedding the Automated Market Maker (AMM) directly into the contract and enabling dynamic token creation, mirrors the functionality of established DEXs. This approach ensures security, transparency, and community interests are safeguarded.

When are you going public?

We are going public on the 14the of December 6PM UTC 2023

What about marketing for GoldenBeans?

Marketing is a top priority for GoldenBeans, and we have a dedicated team of 16 highly committed professionals who are passionate about promoting this exceptional DApp. Our marketing efforts encompass a wide range of strategies to ensure our project's visibility and success.

Why is the Audit score so low?

Our project recently underwent a rigorous audit, which resulted in a rating of 5/10 due to what the audit report categorized as a 'medium' issue. This issue pertains to a potential risk of frontrunning during transactions. We want to express our strong disagreement with this assessment.

Why do you disagree?

The original contract has been operational for an impressive five years without encountering this particular issue. We firmly believe that the concern raised is misplaced. Frontrunning risks are inherent to the most token swaps and can be mitigated through private transactions on specialized protocols, as outlined in the audit report.

What are these Private transactions?

For those among us who are particularly security-conscious, we recommend exploring private transactions using specialized protocols. You can find more information and guidance on how to utilize private transactions here:

Whats is a Barista Role?

The Barista Role is given out to our most known community members / influencers, they take the role as a leader where they have the power to make their most loyal community members Early roasters wich gives them access to the first stage of Golden BEANS, thee Early Roaster Phase.

What can Early Roasters do?

People with Early Roaster role have access to the first stage of the game , and have advantage of creating their team more early.

What is the max buy in in Early Roaster stage?

MAX buy in in the Early Roaster Phase is 1 BNB.

How long will the Early Roaster stage last?

It will atleast last 2 weeks, this gives our leaders and community members the time to gear up and create their teams.